A known and recognized expertise in the food logistics
Thanks to the expertise of its teams, XP LOG support you in your food logistics flows’ management which are complex and strategic.
Indeed, the producers and consumers are not always close. This distance can be a source of problem for the storage of food. In this context of international business, we are aware that factors such as the quality of the water, of the earth, or even of the climate can have an influence on the quality of the products.
The food industries choose their localization in accordance with the place of consuming, but also the place of raw materials. So, the flows are managed in 3 steps:
1 – The supply
2 – The transformation
3 – The distribution
The logistician XP LOG and the parent company of the Sealogis group can support you from the 1st to the 3rd steps of your products’ flow.
Adapted storage warehouses
XP LOG, 1st logistician in Le Havre thanks to its floor space has 180 000 m² of warehouses including 30 000 m² dedicated to the food products’ with:
- 12 000 m² of shared warehouses in which we stock dry food products of our customers that import their goods from any country.
- 18 000 m² of dedicated warehouses in which we stock food aimed to help people who suffer from undernutrition.
Thanks to the flexibility and the adaptability of our teams, we are able to welcome and store any kind of food flow. Such as can, big bags, bags or pallets coming from any place in the world like China, Japan, Turkey, Latin America or even Africa.
Our teams support you and advice you in your food logistics management. For that, we provide different kind of services such as: Storage of Bio products, sampling…
A BIO certification
The organization ECOCERT delivered to XP LOG the certification “Biologic agriculture”. This certification is based on how we respect the controls over our food flows. Thanks to ECOCERT, we can provide to our customers that are selling BIO, products a high quality service.
Sampling of food products
According to your needs and request, XP LOG is able to make sample your products. The aim is to analyze them and send them to different entities such as:
- La DGCCRF (Direction générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des fraudes): the requests can be made without warning aiming the analysis of a product conformity.
- The customer: the requests are made to anticipate a control
- La RTC (Renseignement Tarifaire Contraignant): asked by the customer, the analysis is made by the RTC. The goal is to be able to position and anticipate de future custom fees of a new product.
In order to provide high-quality samples, we have dedicated places for it
- In the 12 000 m² shared cells: a specific place is for the sampling and the storage of it. The employees have to respect the orders given by the customer.
- In the 18 000 m² dedicated cells: a specific sterile sampling zone. Our teams have a precise process to respect such as wearing gloves, having clean hands etc..
An adapted palletizing for more safety
Aware of the risks related to the handling of some food products, we support you and propose an adapted palletizing.
For example, we use an anti-slip sheet between can in order to make it more stable.
Those sheets avoid can to fall which can hurt our employees. In addition, this action is perfectly in adequation with our certifications, MASE and ISO 9001.
Cleaned warehouses adapted to the food logistics
The food products are sensible because they are making for human consumption. So, our teams clean daily our warehouses and also, the pallets are covered in order to avoid any dust on it.